Photo of Yee Leng Xiong

Yee Leng Xiong for Assembly District 85

Yee Leng Xiong has more than a decade of experience on the county board, school board, and village board. He currently serves as the Executive Director of the Hmong American Center. As a committed public servant and advocate for students and families in our region, Yee will bring that expertise to Madison to help address kitchen table issues facing families in Central Wisconsin. Let’s send Yee Leng Xiong to Madison. 

Protecting Our Drinking Water

Yee Leng Xiong knows that all families should have access to clean, safe drinking water. From cancer-causing forever chemicals like PFAS to lead pipes, Yee will work hard to improve our infrastructure and clean up these pollutants making sure every Wisconsinite can trust the water coming out of their tap.

Bringing Down Costs by Supporting Clean Energy

Dirty fossil fuels are hurting the environment while oil and gas companies are gouging us to make a profit. Yee Leng Xiong knows we can produce affordable, clean energy right here in our community that will create good paying jobs, keep costs down, and protect the environment. 

Strengthening Our Democracy 

Some politicians would rather spread misinformation, rig and abuse the rules for their own personal power, and undermine the public’s trust in our democracy. Yee Leng Xiong will fight for a democracy that is resilient and thriving for generations to come.

Leading with Wisconsin Values

We don’t need another politician fueling partisan divides; we need somebody who will focus on the things we have in common. Yee Leng Xiong knows that when we come together as a community, we can accomplish big things.